Product is life line of any business. Unique products make it very easy to do business. Product in Health & Wellness, Beauty & Anti Aging is evergreen and never going to out of business.
{Take all that is given whether wealth, love or language, nothing comes by mistake and with good digestion all can be turned to health.
-George Herbert}
The key to good health lies in healthy digestion, and the recipe for good digestive health begins with plenty of water,good bacteria, and fiber.
NHT Global targets both organs of the gastrointestinal tract, the stomach and the intestines with products that promote regularity, facilitate waste & toxin removal, provide good bacteria (probiotics), and fight harmful bacteria.
Digestive Range
FibeRich contains 8 billion compound high-density probiotics including L. rhamnosus, L. acidophilus, B. longum and B. bifidumm, which protect your digestive tract and help the body to better absorb vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Every teaspoon of FibeRich contains 7 grams of psyllium dietary fiber to help ease bowel movements, prevent and relieve constipation, remove toxic substances from the body, promote feelings of fullness, and control blood sugar levels. Coupled with good eating habits, NHT Global’s FibeRich is a great way to achieve digestive health and well-being.
Enhanced Essential Probiotics
Essential Probiotics is a great tasting powder that promotes intestinal health. Essential Probiotics can also strengthen immunity, help peristals in the intestinal tract, improve the pH of the intestines, prevent and alleviate gastrointestinal symptoms, and facilitate the absorption of nutrients. One pouch taken daily following a meal is all that is required to restore balance and health to your intestinal tract.