Product is life line of any business. Unique products make it very easy to do business. Product in Health & Wellness, Beauty & Anti Aging is evergreen and never going to out of business.
{No one realized how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.
- Lin Yutang}
A healthy home is foundation of happiness. A clean house, lovely atmosphere and right food, what else we need. We spend 50% of our lives indoor. it is important to make sure our families have a healthy and safe home. Children are at a higher risk because they are still growing, discovering their environment and spending much of their time where many hazards exist.
Keeping safe and healthy home is our duty for us and for our children.
Cozy-Home Range
NHT Global Air Purifier
NHT Global PurAir Air Purifier AP-001 with its high-end technology, powerful effects and unique touch-screen operation, brings you ultimate air purifying experience. Quadruple filters and professional air flow design efficiently remove Airborne Allergens: Pollen, Cat, Dog, House Dust Mite and Mould Irritants: Bacteria & Smoke.
NHT Global Water Purifier
NHT Global water filter can effectively filter viruses and bacteria, as well as more than 2100 kinds of toxins harmful to health. While improving the quality, taste and smell. It is durable high-quality, imported from the United States, the use of a scalpel grade stainless steel housing, compact design, the filter through the heart alone test, which confirmed the effectiveness of the filter, is a trusted brand.